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Fact's series #1.
Fact's from all over the world which is surprising.

There are so many facts that we didn't know that nobody knows but trying to know. but from here you get so many unknown facts. that is very interesting and shocking for you.
there 64 facts from all over the world that you know firstly from here. and make yourself unique minded to all others. from these facts you make yourself sharp and knowledgeable from all over the world. so read this and gain facts. here I will regularly update about the facts for getting a notification to subscribe to this site.
  1. higher your chances to get twins — and people today tend to create families later than ever before. 
  2. There are more living things on and inside your body than there are people on Earth. And not just twice or three times so — the numbers are simply mind-blowing.
  3. Speaking of which, bacteria make up from 2 to 9 pounds of your body weight. It’s hard to imagine how many of them there are in your body. 
  4. In the event that you have a child, be set up for question siege: a normal four-year-old asks something over 400 times per day.
  5. There’s a chili pepper that you can’t eat if you want to stay alive. It’s never used in cooking, though: it was designed as a painkiller. 
  6. Scientists trust Leonardo da Vinci could create with one hand and draw pictures with the other simultaneously. Talk about multitasking! 
  7. Your outer skin gets totally replaced each month. Overall, an average human sheds about 40 pounds of skin throughout their life. 
  8. There’s a room in Microsoft’s headquarters in Washington that holds a world record for being the quietest room in the world. Standing inside it, you can hear your heart beating. 
  9. In August 2010, Beijing witnessed the longest traffic jam ever: it lasted 10 days and was 62 mil long. 
  10. The Metric system is the most widely accepted system of measurement in the world. Just three nations despite everything utilize the majestic units: Liberia, Myanmar, and the US. 
  11. John D. Rockefeller still holds the record as the richest man in the world: his net worth, adjusted for inflation, is 10 times more than that of Bill Gates.
  12. Starfish can not only regenerate their lost limbs, but even a limb can regenerate the whole starfish
  13. Thanks to the Montreal Protocol, signed in 1987, scientists believe the Earth’s ozone layer will fully restore itself within half a century. Yay! 
  14. In 2011, Forbes decided to estimate the net worth of Scrooge McDuck. They came to a conclusion that it was $44.1 billion. 
  15. If taken together, all ants in the world will weigh as much as the whole human population of the planet, and then some.
  16. Chicken are more than twice as numerous as humans. In 2009, their overall number in the world was estimated to be 18.6 billion.
  17. Purple is the least popular color when it comes to national flags. There are only two nations on the planet that utilization it in theirs: aminica and Nicaragua.
  18. If you’ve seen snow in your lifetime, consider yourself lucky: two-thirds of people on the planet can’t say the same about themselves.
  19. The domestic chicken is the closest relative of dinosaurs. Yes, including the mighty T-Rex. 
  20. Leaves on trees turn yellow and red come fall because they don’t have enough warmth and sunlight to produce the green pigment — chlorophyll. Cold nights and bright sunny days mean more vibrant colors.
  21. Bart Simpson ought to be more established now than his mom was in the main period of the show. That is, if the yellow family aged normally. 
  22. There’s a $20 coin made in 1933 that was sold 70 years later for more than $7 billion. Also, it was never actually used as currency. 
  23. Don’t ever suppress a sneeze if you don’t absolutely have to. The pressure can result in a rupture of a blood vessel in your head or neck, which can lead to injury. 
  24. There's a town in Honduras where consistently, at around a similar season, it downpours fis h. Scientists don’t have an explanation to this phenomenon yet.
  25. Although there are 24 hours in a day, there are more than 24 time zones on the globe. Some of them are only 45 or even 30 minutes separated from their nearest neighbors.
  26. Jeep is really a shortening: initially, it was known as a G.P., or a broadly useful vehicle.
  27. The principal Native American to welcome the travelers, whose name was Samoset, could communicate in English even before he met them. 
  28. Sweden is the largest island country in the world. It has over 221,800 islands, only about a thousand of which are inhabited. 
  29. A jellyfish melts in the sun because it’s 95% water. Talk about cucumbers. 
  30. In 2012, twin young ladies Amy and Katie were brought into the world 87 days separated.They’re now in the Guinness World Records for the longest gap between the birth of twins. 
  31. All pandas in the world’s zoos belong to China. If you see a giant panda at a zoo, you can be sure it’s just a guest there. 
  32. If you somehow around multiple times happened to observe each video on YouTube, you'd need to spend 1,000 years on that. And afterward more in light of all the new recordings that would show up by at that point. 
  33. A mouse’s bones are so flexible it can fit into a ballpoint pen-sized hole. If you cage one, make sure the grid is small enough.
  34. The most popular language in the world is not English, and by far. The title belongs to Mandarin Chinese, with over a billion speakers around the globe.
  35. The record for the longest-lasting hiccups belongs to a man named Charles Osborne. He had this condition for 69 years straight.
  36. Human fingers are extremely sensitive as an evolutionary perk. On the off chance that your fingertips were the size of Earth, you'd feel the contrast between a one-story house and a car.
  37. China is home to the most bicycles in the world. However, the most bike-friendly city is Copenhagen in Denmark.
  38. A giraffe’s tongue is so long the animal can clean its own ears with it. Which it does every so often. I am jealous.
  39. A hummingbird’s heartbeats at the average rate of 1,200 beats per minute. That’s 20 beats per second! 
  40. On the off chance that your fingertips were the size of Earth, you'd feel the contrast between a one-story houseward compared to half a century ago.  And they are delicious. Just sayin’.
  41. Prairie dogs kiss each other to say “hi.” Aww.
  42. Facebook can qualify as a country of its own: today, there are over 2 billion people using it, which is more than the population of the US, China, and Brazil combined.
  43. Africa is a challenger, though: by 2050, it’s estimated to grow to 2.3 billion people living there. 
  44. During a trip on a plane, our feeling of smell and taste is 20 to half lower than expected. That’s why the food onboard doesn’t seem delicious.
  45. Japan is home to the most established lodging on the planet. It’s been welcoming guests since 705 CE. 
  46. French was the official language of England for about 450 years. In 1066, William the Conqueror, who was of the French origin, brought the language to the country.
  47. A portion of the primary spray painting of the comparative kind we have today showed up in Pompeii. They date back almost 2,000 years.
  48. The full name of Oz from the Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Honest Baum was really Oscar Zoroaster Phadrig Isaac Norman Henkel Emmanuel AmbrosiDiggs. Yeah, I can see why he shortened it to Oz – less keystrokes. shortened it to Oz – less keystrokes. 
  49. Dairy animals are exceptionally social animals, and they even have the best amigos they invest the vast majority of their energy together with. They become upset if they get separated too. on the off chance that you didn't see, 
  50. goats have rectangular students. Also, they're the main creatures with such an eye structure.
  51. There's archeological proof of a wiped out penguin species that was around 6-foot tall. Imagine a penguin looking you straight in the eye. Hey, nice tux. You too, pal. 
  52. It rains diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn. This happens on the grounds that methane transforms into carbon, which at that point solidifies to become graphite and eventually diamond. 
  53. High heels were originally men’s wear. In Ancient Egypt, butchers wore them to stay away from blood on the floor. 
  54. Dogs don’t see the world in shades of gray. In fact, they can see colors, just fewer of them than people. 
  55. The name of the man who invented cotton candy was William Morrison. He was a dentist. 
  56. There’s a thunderstorm in Venezuela that occurs every year and lasts for about 140-160 nights. It even has a name: Catatumbo.
  57. Michelangelo couldn’t stand painting the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling so much that he even wrote a poem about it. 
  58. Ever got chills from listening to your favorite track? It’s because your brain reacts to it by releasing dopamine — the happiness hormone. Figures. 
  59. You probably know that tomatoes are technically berries, right? Well, bananas, peppers, and eggplants are, too.
  60. John Cage, a vanguard author, composed the longest melodic piece ever. It’s supposed to be played as slowly as possible, and it’s estimated to take 639 years to play to the end. 
  61. Does the orchestra get paid overtime for that? Dark belt in hand to hand fighting, for example, karate, interprets from Japanese as "initial step." That's on the grounds that accomplishing the dark belt is simply truly the principal phase of acing the art, with much more to come yet. 
  62. Charlie Chaplin once entered a Charlie Chaplin clone challenge… and lost it! The same happened with Dolly Parton almost a hundred years later, in 2012. 
  63. Mark Zuckerberg is a red and green colorblind. That’s why he designed Facebook in shades of blue — that’s the color he can see best. 


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