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Exercises and Creatine for Muscle Growth.

11 Exercises and Creatine for Muscle Growth (Full Plan).

Hey! I’ve got a challenge for you you, have 30 days to get in shape and bulk up before summer starts are you up to the task. we're going to leave cardio and aerobic exercises out of the challenge. at the end of this workout, I'll show you how to take creatine correctly to speed up your bulking process. exercise at home. exercise workouts.kinds of exercise.exercise benefits.exercise workouts.exercise. here you get all fitbits. fitness tips. defined fitness.that That will helpful to your body.

ExercisesLet's begin by strengthening your entire core with the runner's crunch, lie flat on your back slightly lift both your back and legs off the floor your glutes should support your body weight. now sit up higher and bring your left knee up to your chest keep your right leg extended a few inches off the floor. finally, lower your back and leg down without them touching the ground and repeat on the opposite side. do three sets with 10 reps each. time to move a bit lower to your hamstrings lower back abs and glutes with the glute bridge,  yeah I think I've driven on that one lie on your back and bend your knees keep your feet flat on the floor and your legs hip-width apart. squeeze your abs and glutes using your heels push upwards to lift your hips a few inches off the floor until your body forms a straight line. hold for five seconds then slowly lower your hips and go back to your starting position. do three sets with 15 reps each.easy exercise.

ExercisesNow we need to give your upper body and glutes some attention with the breakdancer exercise, get in a push-up position with your knees slightly bent keep your glutes low and extend your left leg underneath your torso while rotating your body to the right side. hold your right arm in front of you so that it almost touches your knee go back to your starting position and repeat on the other side. ab workouts. shoulder workouts. shoulder workouts. do 3 sets with 10 reps each. take a small break to catch your breath and then we'll continue with single-leg triceps dip, this will help you strengthen your upper body sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. position your arms with your fingers facing your glutes lift your glutes and shift your weight to your arms. now lift your leg toward the ceiling and slightly lower yourself without your glutes touching the floor.straighten your arms to go back to your starting position do it 20 times and then switch legs do two reps with each leg. this also helps like chest workouts, back workouts.

ExercisesNow let's make things harder with the split squat decline push-up, grab a bench or a chair because this exercise will strengthen your entire body by focusing on major muscle groups. get in a lunge position and place your left foot on the bench, keep your back straight and lower yourself so that your right knee is parallel to the bench. now place both your hands on the floor lift your right foot up and place it on the bench too, bend your elbows and lower yourself to the decline position. now straighten your elbows and take your right knee off the bench back to its starting position. finally, chest workouts. take your hands off the floor and go back to your starting position after 10 reps switch legs do two sets with 10 reps for each leg. time to pay attention to your posture with the superman exercise, the cape is optional this also works out your back glutes and shoulders. lie on your back with your arms extended and your legs stretched lift your chest legs and arms off the floor and squeeze your glutes keep both your arms and legs straight and raise them a few inches off the ground. yeah, you look like the guy stays in position for five seconds, then relax do three sets with ten reps each.

ExercisesRemember to build some upper body strength and work out your pecs triceps and shoulders with the good old push-up, start in a plank position with your hands flat on the floor and your legs extended to keep your core engaged and bend your arms to lower your chest to the ground. stay in position for two seconds without any of your body parts touching the floor. other than you know your fingers and toes go back up to your starting position do three sets with 10 reps each. while still in a position don't move. let's continue with the plank reach under. it's important to improve your balance and get some strength with this one get in a high plank position with your hands below your shoulders and your legs extended. lift your left hand off the ground and put it underneath your torso on the right side, go back to your starting position repeat with the other hand do three sets of 20 reps each.

Let's not forget the major muscle groups in your legs you'll need to bring your bench back for the step-ups. stand in front of the bench and step on it with your left foot push through and drive your right knee up lower your right foot back down again repeat 10 times and switch legs.
 do two sets with 10 reps for each leg. time to sculpt your abs and tone your lower body with flutter kicks. lie on your back with your legs extended in the air place your hands underneath your glutes for added support. lower your left leg without it touching the floor bring it back up and then lower your right leg, do three sets with 20 reps each. split squats, i can't help myself here we're putting a bit more stretch into your lower body muscles and increasing your mobility take a step with your right foot to create a staggered stance bend your knee and let it touch the floor now bring your body up until your knees form a 90-degree angle go back down without touching the floor, do three sets with 15 reps each.

Oh, time for what I promised you “creatine can help you build muscle improve your performance, and boost your energy levels. your body already produces it and it's also present in many types of meat such as chicken, pork, red meat, and fish. creatine has no calories and no impact on your fat metabolism but you must drink enough water with it because it makes your muscle cells hold water. when you're toning up you should go for resistance workouts and avoid the ones that increase your breathing and heart rate such as aerobics. you can take creatine either before or after your workout by putting it in your water or smoothies, and you can do it in two ways one is called creatine loading, you start off with 20 to 25 grams of it split into equal doses throughout the day and you do it for a week. then you take three to five grams a day to maintain your muscle storage the purpose of this loading is to saturate your muscle cells and see faster results. the second method is when you skip the creatine loading phase and go straight to the maintenance dose of three to five grams a day both ways are effective but be careful taking more than your body needs can result in bloating and stomach discomfort”.exercise at home.
# exercise workouts.kinds of exercise.exercise benefits.exercise workouts.exercise.

thank you


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