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Lose Chest Fat Fast at Home

# 7 Steps to Lose Chest Fat Fast at Home.

here you get super tips to lose the chest fat and make your body looking fit and fine. only 7 in steps or easy way' to lose chest fat in a week, how to lose chest fat for teenage guys, so please read whole article to make yourself fit.
Step number one body weight, I started with the easiest exercise push-ups they work not only your chest muscles or Pat's butt triceps and shoulders as well and there's so many types of them. hey how many pushups can you do in a row let me know in the comments.

For standard push-ups get in a high plank position making sure your shoulders elbows and hands are in line and your feet are hip-width apart. bend your elbows breathing in and lower your chest almost to the floor breath out pushing back up that's one rep if you're new to this do 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps and work your way up to 20 to 25 reps. that's the number of sets and reps I did for all types of push-ups.

4 clap push-ups warm up your shoulders first then start doing a standard push-up but while lowering your chest to the floor push upward with force enough to clap your hands under the chest, after the clap land with soft elbows. there's also a trick to make all these push-ups more effective but I'll come back to that in a bit. for push-up jacks as usual, get in a high plank position when your body lowers into a push-up make your legs jump out to the sides when pushing up lock your legs together again. for decline push-ups, you'll need some raised surface like a sturdy box or a step. get in a standard push-up position putting your legs on the chosen elevation keep elbows at 45 degrees to your body and do everything just like with regular push-ups, using your glutes and core keep your back and neck aligned all the time.

During Diamond push-ups, everything is just like with standard push-ups but your index fingers and thumbs should be touching. creating a diamond shape.

step number two flat bench and dumbbells grab your dumbbells or milk jugs filled with water and lie down on the bench. now lift them straight over your chest. then slightly bend your elbows and open arms wide out to the sides. after that bring the dumbbells back together at the top, do three to five sets of ten to fifteen reps. lead down your torso on the bench with only your shoulders on the surface and your bent feet on the floor. holding the dumbbell with arms extended over your chest lower the weights slowly in an arc behind your head, then bring the dumbbell back. do three to five sets of eight to twelve reps. grip the bench in front of you with one hand for balance while lifting the opposite leg to the back. take a dumbbell with your free hand arm extended to bring it to the side of your body tucking elbows in at a 45-degree angle. do ten reps and switch sides.

Step three-loop resistant bands they are the trick I promised to tell you to use them to make all types of push-ups more challenging. stand straight with your feet firmly on the floor and wrap loop resistance bands around your back. extend arms in front of you holding the ends with fists pull your arms away from one another slowly as far as you can, then squeeze your pecs getting your arms back.
do three to five sets with 10 to 12 reps. now set one foot forward with your knees slightly bent. holding the bands ends pull your arms down at an angle to meet in front of your body slightly bending your elbows, after that bring your arms back until your upper arms are in line with the sides of your body, do three to five sets of 10 to 12 reps. stand straight with your feet at shoulder width and step on the band. take the band with one hand gripping it in a fist facing up keeping your arm just slightly bent at your elbow pull the band up to your center line near the head level. then switch arms hmm do three to five sets of ten to twelve reps.

Step four barbell choose the weights depending on your physical endurance, flag down on the bench and arch your lower back a bit hold the bar right near your chest with elbows locked in at 45 degrees the bar up fully extending your arms. do four sets with 10 to 12 reps. for the next exercise put the barbell on some raised surface at knee height grabbing it with a double overhand grip bend down and deadlift the bar uphold it like that for a moment squeezing your shoulder blades. stand straight with a barbell across the front of your shoulders keeping elbows up brace your core and squat down as low as you can get back up using your heels. do 5 sets of 8 reps.

Step 5 medicine ball, in fact, any other ball will do especially if it's heavy like a basketball. stand against the wall holding it at arm's length and get in a squatted position then get up straight and at the same time throw the ball as high as possible, catch it, and lower for the next squat. do this exercise for 60 seconds.

Step 6 spring expander stand straight holding the expander with both hands at chest level. then start opening arms as wide as you can squeeze your shoulder blades after that bring arms behind your head pulling the expander apart. do 3 sets of 12 reps and finally.

Step 7 food choices there's no such thing as spot weight-loss so I just had to say goodbye to healthy snacks like pastry buffalo wings and chips. this helped me to lose a few pounds to build muscles I eat more food rich in protein like grilled chicken lean beef fish and eggs.


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