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New Smartphone Trick to Make Your Eyes Feel Less Tired.

# A New Smartphone Trick to Make Your Eyes Feel Less Tired.
 By Shunham Pandey.

Here you get how to protect eye from the screen at home and office, how to save your eyes from computer screen, eye protection, phone hacking tricks, smartphone trick, glasses to protect eyes from computer screen, blue light filter and all those information that will help you to protect your eye from blue rays and other.

Oh finally after 12 hours the scripts are written I can take some rest now Wow why is everything so blurry my eyes have definitely been under too much strain. I'd better go to bed now if only I could see where it is. okay, morning my visions back to normal so let's go research what that was all about yesterday it seems the main issue is the so-called blue-light a portion of the light emitted the most by digital screens of our computers and smartphones. blue light is one of the three basic parts of the visible white light coming from the Sun the other two are green and red, you've probably seen that letter combination RGB and also LOL. open any image editor and find color correction there will be three sliders standing for red green and blue. if you run them all the way up your image will become white exactly because this color is made up of the full spectrum. if you lower them to zero instead everything will go black.

Smartphone Trick
How regular use of phones harms the eye.

How to protect your eyes.

so blue light is at the lower part of the visible spectrum and it has the highest energy of all that's why it was chosen for screens it hits your eyes the most and is visible even in glaring sunlight. now you know what happens when you look straight to the Sun right hmm screens only emit a small part of that radiance but they can still be harmful to your eyes in the long-run the cornea and lens of your eyes which are in the front effectively block the ultraviolet or UV rays from the Sun.

so very few of them actually reach the sensitive back part the retina blue light, on the other hand, is not blocked at all and goes all the way through the eye if it affects your eyes for too long it can potentially damage the retinal cells and lead to eye problems. the reason why your eyes get tired of too much screen time though is in the short wavelength and high the intensity of the blue light you see the sky is blue on a clear day because it's the color that scatters most easily of all, the same happens you're staring at your smartphone or computer screen the light scatters in all directions making it hard for you to focus and your eyes strain to see a clearer picture.
Smartphone Trick
Blue light enters the eye.

imagine sitting all day long with your arms held straight in front of you you can probably stay like this for a half an hour or even more but then your arms will feel like they're made of rock same with your eyes because they're also operated by muscles finally blue light can mess with your sleep if you use your devices during the day it helps you stay awake and better concentrate but at night it blocks the production of the sleep hormone melatonin, and you toss and turn in bed waking up tired that's why blue light filters have become so popular in recent years. the idea is to reduce the intensity of blue light by adding a yellow tint to the image all the newer smartphones have this feature built into them but it's turned off by default.

On Android devices, it's usually found in the quick panel. swipe down from the top of the screen and you'll see a number of options different brands call it differently. blue light filter,eye saver mode, eye safety, etc. but the essence is the same just tap the icon and your screen will get a warmer hue. if you have an iPhone with iOS version 9.3 or newer you can set the night shift mode to turn on at a select time every day. go to settings display in brightness and select night shift here you can turn this mode on and off manually, schedule the time frame at which it works automatically, and even controls the warmth of the light. if you don't care about the quality of the image that much shift the slider all the way to the right for maximum effect. if your phone doesn't support the blue light blocking feature you can always go to the App Store or Google Play and search for a relevant app there's a whole bunch of them so pick the one you like the most.
Smartphone Trick
The easier way to protect our eyes.

on a desktop PC, you have two options to choose from a hardware and a software one the hardware option involves going to the settings of your monitor. most manufacturers provide the eye saver mode in their products. if you can't find it yourself check out your monitor's instruction manual if there's no built-in blue light filter in your monitor or you just don't like it then choose the software option, first of all, Windows 10 has a feature called nightlight go to the Start menu and click the gear icon then the select system there the display screen will pop up and if you scroll down a bit you'll see the nightlight light can either schedule it for a certain time every day or turn it on immediately the nice thing about it is that you can regulate the warmth of the tone click nightlight settings under the switch and shift the slider left or right until you like the result.

How to protect eyes from the laptop screen.

on a Mac computer, blue light filter mac. the soft option is called the same as on iPhones night shift. if you have a ciara version click the Apple logo in the top left corner and then System Preferences. in the pop-up window select displays and you'll see three tabs you need the right one aptly named night shift. in this menu, you can schedule the blue light blocking feature to turn on automatically or switch it on manually. as well as regulate the toning temperature with a slider just like on Windows and if you're not content with the built-in opportunities to download an app in the App Store or Windows Store that will suit your i think you get a bit of proper advice on how to protect eyes from laptop screen.

Smartphone Trick
Glasses to protect eyes from computer screen.

Safety goggles and safety equipment.

protective eyewear for damage, again there's a lot to choose from, another option is to wear yellow-tinted glasses to protect your eyes they're sold in specialized stores and online and efficiently block the blue light from your screen anti-reflective lenses will be an added bonus since they shield your eyes from reflections on both sides. a filter screen applied to your phone can help block the blue light as well it looks like your regular protective screen cover so it has a dual purpose. screen protection. shielding your device's screen from damage and your eyes from the harmful effects of the blue light, perhaps the simplest way to avoid blue light is to hold your smartphone at an angle tilt it back until you feel your eyes less strain from exposure but can still comfortably use your gadget. understand how glasses to protect eyes from computer screen.

it takes practice but pays off well in the end. finally, give your some rest for every 45 minutes of looking at the screen give yourself about 15 minutes of rest and look away go make some tea or coffee or I've talked to someone or read a book whoa. by the way, it doesn't matter if you choose a physical copy or an electronic one on your e-book. because those have a special screen made with e-ink. a substance that lets you read without straining your eyes. do some eye gymnastics to lift the stress from your eyes close your eyes and roll your eyeballs under the lids.

Smartphone Trick
Rotate eye (eye gymnastics).

first clockwise and then counterclockwise. open your eyes again and forcefully blink several times. sit in front of a window concentrate on something far away and hold your eyes on it for 10 seconds. then shift the focus to something close by your thumb will do make sure it's lined up with a faraway object so you don't have to move your head repeat this three times and then close your eyes again. staying like that for half a minute you'll feel much better after this and will be able to return to work for another hour.

Here you get proper information about these all topics:-

  • how to protect eye.
  • how to protect your eyes.
  • how to protect your eyes from screens.
  • how to protect eyes from laptop screen.
  • how to save your eyes from computer screen.
  • Eye protection.
  • glasses to protect eyes from computer screen.
  • glasses that protect your eyes from screens.
  • safety goggles and safety equipment.
  • protective eyewear for damage
  • screen protection.


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