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Things That People Do Different Across the World

your adventures abroad can be a real minefield if you're uninformed you could give someone the wrong gift in China or offend your cab driver in Australia by sitting there quietly minding your own business. but sure is a fun learning how people do things in different places.

In Japan,There are generally no names for streets the whole the is divided into blocks each with a number it might seem puzzling at first glance but it's actually easier to find the block you're looking for the same the em exists in Korea.
 hunger is a gesture for greeting for the Maori people native to New Zealand it's done by pressing your nose and forehead against someone else's it's a gesture of respect so don't be scared if someone does it to you.
Different Across the World
Nose and forehead.

 chicken is usually a the dish in most countries but in Turkey, hey put it in a popular dessert it's a pudding made of milk rice cinnamon sugar and chicken.
 you should have cheese with your hot chocolate in Colombia for most of us chocolate is supposed to be sweet but the ancient Aztecs and Mayans drank it with spices later the Spanish added some sugar and brought it to Europe like that.
in Brazil, omen don't see body hair is something so inappropriate they have to get rid of it it's a sign of beauty there what they do bleach their peach fuzz with a special lotion you might even see women applying their hair Lighter right on the beach

 in Wales, the most romantic thing that you can give someone is a wooden spoon. this tradition dates back to the 17th century when woodwork was well spread the gifted carves it so to show they'll always feed and provide for their loved ones. instead of asking what your sign is your date in Korea might ask what's your blood type people there believe that blood type is strongly tied with personality traits. A is said to be responsible but stubborn b are creative but a little selfish O are natural leaders that can be arrogant and the Ab type is rational but highly critical.
Different Across the World
wooden spoon. 

be careful when choosing a gift for your Canadian friend giving flowers there is a sign of strong effect and may be misinterpreted as a confession of loving. instead of using their index finger Malaysians point with their thumb pointing with the first finger is considered offensive in some African countries it's even reserved for objects, not people. people in Nicaragua point with their lips they do it to indicate something happening nearby not that they want to kiss the person with the thing they're. pointing at in the Middle East India Sri Lanka and some parts of Africa it's rude to use your left hand when greeting exchanging money and eating that's why you should be careful and try to use your right hand in most cases.

 in Spain, there the when it's absolutely okay to throw tomatoes at strangers the Tomatina the ival takes place in bun y'all on the last Wednesday of August.  every year in one finished town there's a wife-carrying championship competitor must carry their wives through an obstacle course and try to be the first one to cross the finish line. in two it's the native people of Greenland Canada and Alaska put their faces on each other's cheek or neck and rub their nose against it took a deep inhale so if someone smells you in Greenland don't worry they just like you.

in Scotland,there's a tradition called blackening it's when relatives and friends gather and cover the groom and bride with mud and spoiled they believe that by doing so they make the marriage stronger and happier okay. in Germany, the happy couple's closest ones break plates and dishes and the soon-to-be newlyweds should clear up all the mess Germans believe it'll teach the pair to work together and appreciate each other's efforts
standing in line in Chile can be confusing for an outsider there isn't just one general line but three different ones in the first you place your order you pay in the second and the third is for taking what you came for. in lop bury Thailand locals prepare a huge feast for monkeys every year three tons of fruits and vegetables are piled up so the animals can enjoy the celebration it's called what else the monkey buffet festival.
Different Across the World
Germany lines.

people in one village in the Philippines have the custom of moving an entire house to a new location it's a re-enactment of the way the villagers used to live. they see it as a sign of remembrance of what community is and how important it is to help each other. what study showed that 90% of Irish passengers say thank you to the bus driver that should be a normal custom worldwide don't you think don't ever present clocks handkerchiefs or straw sandals in China these items are associated with sorrow and you won't be thanked for your gift.

if you're in the Netherlands don't give pointy objects as a gift knives scissors and alike are considered unlucky presents for someone. another no-no is sprinkling salt on food when you're eating at someone's home in Egypt. the host might get it wrong and assume you found their food terrible in Venezuela it's rude to come on it's a sign of greed to come to your friend, exactly when it was arranged, show up a bit later 10 or 15 minutes is enough. if you're ever invited to a Bolivian wedding or dinner party never start talking about business deals or work doing so when you're supposed to be celebrating is a big no-no if the host brings it up then you're okay.

how can you know if your business meeting in Finland was a success you'll be invited to the sauna it's a place for chill and friends talking and only those who are trusted are welcome there. in Norway, its very important to adhere to table manners even finger foods like sandwiches and pizza must be eaten with the use of a knife and fork. Greeks don't have their own tooth fairy they toss their baby teeth on the roof of their home it's supposed to bring luck and good healthy teeth hmm roof of the home roof of their mouth I get it. in Denmark, kids write letters on Easter it has to rhyme and the writers name should be ciphered in code a child sends this anonymous letter to a friend, and if the latter guesses who wrote it they get a chocolate egg. wet Monday is a fun polish Easter tradition where everybody sprays water on each other you can even get woken up by a bucket of water poured on you if you sleep too long on Monday guys soak gals and Tuesday the girls get their revenge.
Different Across the World
Sprays water on each other.

the silly socks dance is a Canadian wedding tradition unmarried siblings of the bride and groom perform this dance and others throw money to donate to the newlywed's future life together. if you're ever in Spain on the new year get ready to eat one grape for each of the twelve O'Clock bells strikes they believe it leads to a year of good luck and prosperity and it scares away bad spirits yeah with just 12 grapes there'll be no whining. no talking no travel and no leisure activities that's a New Year celebration in Bali yep E is the day when all citizens stay still and meditate to bring in the New Year with a clear mind. in Russia, people have a sit down right before a journey the person who leaves home can also give coins to those who see them off it's supposed to make a trip successful and ensure your safe return. if you're in Japan and some mysterious man in a uniform starts stuffing you and everyone else into the train don't worry it's totally normal and this guy's just doing his job he's the stuffer and you're this stuffy.

 in Australia sitting in the back seat of a cab is pretty snobbish when sitting like that instead of the front passenger seat you're distancing yourself from the driver like you're better than them uh-oh and finally if you see a single magpie in the UK you must greet it to avoid bad luck you can salute it raise your hat or wish it a good morning yes, another ritual that's for the birds.


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